Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Faces: Dreams

"And in the morning they shook their pillows violently, hoping all the dreams they lost that night would tumble out." 

-Joseph Gordan-Levitt

Images: Tumblr & Pinterest

Friday, January 24, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday Faces & The Art Academy Workshop

Today was the last day of a three day workshop held by the Art Academy and taught by Robin Eley. It was intensive and filled with lots of information and eye training. Exercises - Bovgvereav and Hannaford. Two different paintings, two very different styles. The challenges for each one really puts your eyes to the test but it was fun. Here are the some of the pics instead of a mood board. Enjoy!

Class trip to the art gallery to see an original Bovgvereav painting

John Collier
John Collier
Second day demo
My w.i.p

Field trip to see Hannaford's paintings at UniSA

Third Day Demo
My painting at the end of the day

Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday Faces

The irony of this picture is that we are actually going through a heat wave. It's going to be above 40 degrees for the rest of the week. I did manage to squeeze in a morning swim at the beach before the real heat sets in and even finished half of a book I just started today. Time to hide with the AC!

Enjoy today's mood board!

Images: Various Tumblr/Pinterest

Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday Faces: First monday of the year

 6 days into the new year and hope everything has been going well for everyone. I've been on a roll when it comes to working. Been drawing days before new year and still at it. Looking forward to painting my next coaster so check back here for updates.

Also, first mood board of 2014.

Images: Various Pinterest/Tumblrs

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Sketching for the next possible painting

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

First post of 2014

Happy 2014 peeps! May the new year bring you joy, warmth, adventures and dreams becoming reality!

First sketch of the year
