It's been a while since I've updated the blog. I've been going through one of the most trying times of my life. Probably the hardest I'll say to date. Circumstances have been forced onto my situation that decisions are forced to be made and I'm not happy at all. I'm just wondering to myself how am I going to get by each day but with the help of my friends, they're willing and volunteering to help me through. I'm deeply grateful to them.
My dearest friend Michael Politakis is finally back! He has been away at the Illustration Academy learning and becoming great at his own craft. I'm so happy that he's taken this opportunity for himself and also, a chance to travel. He's passing on the Illustration academy vibes to another friend, Andre and I.
Also, we drew more inspiration after visiting one of our teachers back at uni's exhibition, Robin Eley. He's going into fine arts and his work is getting better and grabbing more attention. I wish to be able to paint as well as him one day!
I'll do my best to get back into drawing and painting. It's hard at the moment for me to focus and also I have projects coming along too so wish me luck!
Other than that, I've been looking at Michael Zavros work on his website. He has some great realistic styles and do have a look at his

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